

Every minute, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our ocean. More than 11 million tonnes of plastic waste enter our oceans every year. CleanHub builds waste management systems where they have not stopped plastic waste before it is burned or ends up in landfills or the ocean. They prevent plastic from ever entering the ocean through their global network for waste management facilities.


As a responsible brand, POVISON has partnered with CleanHub to help fund plastic recycling. We hope that every user who purchases POVISON products is also doing his part to keep our oceans clean.

Giving back to the planet.​

Come home to quality. Furniture that helps you make the most of the spaces in your home and live life to the fullest. We want to help you fill your home with pieces that reflect who you are, support the activities you love, and bring you joy for years to come.
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Linen is a naturally grown plant that requires no chemicals to develop and produce if done organically. Meanwhile, It is one of the toughest fabrics, meaning it will last for years.
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FSC Certified Products
Our FSC®-certified wood products are ethically sourced from timber manufacturers with a sustainable forest management system to ensure no ecosystems are harmed.
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Non- Toxic
Safe for the home, our sustainable fabrics are free of formaldehyde and have been tested for other harmful substances. Our furniture is free of harsh chemicals and fire retardants.
FSC Certified Products
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The materials we use all meet our highest standards for time-tested durability, providing an oasis not only for your home but more for the planet.
The Fast Furniture
Only five year later, the sofa is thrown away. Leading to a overconsumption culture and excessive waste to the environment. And the frequent replacement will cause increased pollution and depletion of the resources.
POVISON Furniture
Five years later, the POVISON sofa still accompanies you and your children to live a happy and wonderful life. This is a journey towards a greener planet by incorporating eco-friendly furniture (POVISON)into your homes.

Ease Your House. Ease Your Life.

#POVISONgreen #POVISONmyhome